Location: Bangalore
Area: 40,500 sq.ft.
Sector: IT/ITES
Model: Design and Build
To create a dynamic workplace that supports the temperament and work ethic of a diverse team of engineers.
To draw from the fundamentals of the human experience model and build a workplace that drives engagement, empowerment, and fulfilment.
Going beyond the conventional boxed-up spaces that restrict the thought process of an engineer, we created an open and collaborative space with height-adjustable stations that allow hardware engineers to extend their work area at will. To support ad-hoc discussion and quick meetups, Symmetrics devised a unique idea that converted aisles into meeting rooms. Using lacquered glass on walls, every corner was converted into a meeting space - with the necessary audio and video facilities.
In addition, be it open spaces that encourage cross-functional communication, exposed ceilings that gave the workspace a certain openness, to peripheral glazing that enhanced the use of natural light; MobileIron’s office combines the many elements that are comforting as well as motivating.